Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Should I call off work today? I still have pneumonia.?

When I get up and walk, if I start talking, I lose breath fast coz I still have congested lungs. I get dizzy from it too. My job involves a lot of walking and working in a freezer. Normally, I'd just not call off, but the problem is, I might not have developed pneumonia had I called off the first few days I had some symptoms (but thought it was asthma.) I called off yesterday, and slept most of yesterday, thinking I'd just have "walking pneumonia" today. It didn't work. Would you just go in anyway, if you knew you couldn't be put on light duty for a day, or stay home the extra day, risk upsetting people, and get better for the next day? Two absences count as one where I work.

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