Friday, August 19, 2011

When exactly will victory in the Iraq War against terrorism be accomplished?

I am asking this question because alot of McCain supporters dislike Obama's stance on the war in Iraq and his troop pullout plans. I ask them, when is the victory in this war actually accomplished? How many more billions and billions and dollars have to be spent and more soldiers have to die before this "victory" occurs? We have invaded this country (which was not responsible for 9/11 at all), Saddam Hussien and his sons are dead, and we STILL have not found those weapons of m destruction yet. So, where are the weapons?, why are we even still over there trying to build up a country which frankly doesnt' even want us there anymore while our own country is falling apart financially and so many hurting people are over here? Does this really reflect John McCains campaigne slogan "Putting the Country First" I want to know?

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